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Parent Advisory Council (PAC)


Parents as Partners: A Message From Our P.A.C. 

The R.J. Tait Parent Advisory Council (PAC) is the voice of the Tait parent community. Every parent of a child attending Tait school is welcome to be a member of the PAC.  Together, with the administration and staff, the PAC is dedicated to providing effective communication between home and school; encouraging parents to become valuable contributors to educational decisions and strengthening the role of families in education and  schooling.  The PAC organizes a variety of fundraising events throughout the year, such as food days, book fairs and raffles.  Money raised through fundraising activities is used to directly benefit the students of Tait.  We encourage every parent to participate in a PAC meeting to see firsthand how we partner with the school and community and the positive impact we have on the students.

Chairperson - to assume primary responsibility for coordinating the functioning of the R.J. Tait PAC, prepare Agendas and chair meetings

Vice-Chairperson/Co-Chairperson – to work with the chairperson, encourage parent participation and take on any special projects as needed

Past-Chairperson – to advise executives as needed

Secretary – to record and post the minutes of the PAC meetings and answer all correspondence

Treasurer – to be responsible for all PAC funds and present a monthly financial statement at each PAC meeting 

School Planning Council Representatives – to help coordinate, with school representatives, a plan for continuous student achievement by analyzing data and setting appropriate goals

RDPA Representative(s) - to attend the Richmond District Parents’ Association meetings, representing the R.J. Tait PAC and report RDPA news back to PAC 

Food Day Coordinator – to coordinate special food events at the school such as hot dog days, pizza days, fit and fun day, and be responsible for ordering supplies and counting money

Traffic Safety Coordinator – to coordinate volunteers and events regarding traffic and student safety, as needed

Emergency Preparedness Coordinator(s) – to help coordinate and plan strategies for students, staff, and parents to follow in the event of a serious emergency, such as an earthquake, chemical spill, and/or airplane disaster and to maintain comfort kits and other emergency supplies

Tait Community Coordinator(s) – to promote the concept of multiculturalism and to assist new parents in their surroundings, to act as communicator with parents from all cultures and to welcome new families to the Tait community

Fundraising Coordinator(s) – in collaboration with the PAC executive, to set appropriate financial plans and goals and plan and coordinate fundraising projects 

Gaming Representative – to compile and submit appropriate information for the application for Casino fund raiser when needed

Outdoor Education Parent Representative - to plan any fundraising activities as needed and to work with staff and administration to plan successful outdoor education experiences for students

Caring Committee – to send notes of support, sympathy, and/or celebration to members of the Tait community as needed, to provide gifts throughout the year as needed and to help coordinate PAC sponsored social events

PAC Constitution

Section One:  Name

The name of this organization shall be the R.J. Tait Parent Advisory Council; as per the School Act - Bill 67- Division 2 - Section 8 (1).

Section Two:  Objectives

The R.J. Tait Parent Advisory Council (PAC) is the officially recognized voice of the Tait parent community.  Together with the Tait administration and staff, this group is dedicated to providing effective communication between home and school; encouraging parents to become valuable contributors to educational decisions and strengthening the role of families in education and schooling. 

To fulfill these goals the PAC shall endeavour to:

1.    Advise parents about school programs and services by facilitating communication between parents, teachers, administrators and students.

2.    Provide a forum for consultation between the school and parents.

3.    Encourage the highest level of participation of parental involvement in PAC meetings and related activities. 

4.    Participate in planning for the solution of community-wide situations and issues affecting children and youth.

5.    Provide a safe and healthy environment for the students and staff by assisting with emergency preparedness.

6.    Organize fundraising activities which will benefit the students of Tait school.

7.    Provide a forum for discussion of educational programs and services.

8.    Advise parents on the appropriate procedure to follow regarding individual concerns and complaints.

9.    Be effective advocates for children and youth within the school community.

10.    Promote an increased awareness, understanding, and support for the public school system.

11.    Promote inclusion of all members of a diverse parent community.

12.    Add their voice to the ongoing school goal setting process.

Section Three:  Dissolution

The R.J. Tait PAC shall be dissolved in the event that: (1) the school is permanently closed; or (2) there is sufficient interest by parents to form a PAC as specified in Section Six.  The dissolution would require a written Notice of Motion circulated to all members.  A meeting would be held for the purpose of dealing with the Notice of Motion.  Notice of dissolution would require the total agreement of the membership present at the meeting.  Upon dissolution of the R.J. Tait PAC, the assets which remain after payment, after all costs, charges and expenses which are properly incurred in the winding up shall be distributed to a registered charity or registered charities in British Columbia as defined by the Income Tax Act (Canada), as may be determined by the members of the Tait PAC at the time of dissolution.  This provision shall be unalterable.                 


Section Four:  Membership and Fees

1.    All parents and guardians of students registered at R.J. Tait Elementary shall be voting members of the PAC.

2.    Administration and staff (teaching and non-teaching) of R.J. Tait Elementary school shall be non-voting members of the PAC.

3.    No membership fees shall be assessed.

Section Five:  Parent Advisory Council Executive

The persons in all the following positions are to be considered members of the R.J. Tait PAC Executive and will work together along with the school administration to accomplish the objectives as articulated in this constitution.


Position and Responsibilities

1.     Chairperson    

    to assume primary responsibility for coordinating the functioning of the R.J. Tait PAC

    to chair PAC meetings

    to prepare the PAC meeting agenda in consultation with the principal and general membership of the PAC    

    to be the official spokesperson for the R.J. Tait PAC

    to coordinate and compile newsletter items gathered from all committees for school newsletters

    to be a designated signatory for school-held PAC funds and the Gaming account

2.     Vice-Chairperson/Co-Chairperson             

    to work with the chairperson and take on any special projects as needed

    to assume primary responsibility for encouraging parent participation and attendance

    to arrange speakers of interest to the school community

    to assume the responsibility of the chair in his/her absence

3.    Past-Chairperson        

    to advise executives as needed

    to be responsible for obtaining names of interested persons who are willing to stand as candidates for executive positions

4.     Secretary

    to record and post the minutes of the PAC meetings

    to distribute the minutes as follows:  file one copy in the school office; post one copy on the parent bulletin board; provide one     copy to the administration; and provide copies to the PAC for the next scheduled PAC meeting

    to answer all correspondence

    to record the names of the attendees of the PAC meeting in the minutes

    to be a designated signatory for school-held PAC funds and the Gaming account

    5.    Treasurer

    to be responsible for depositing and distributing all PAC funds

    to present a monthly financial statement at each PAC meeting with a copy to be filed with the minutes

    will act in accordance per Method 2 of school board regulation 802.9-R

    to be a designated signatory for school-held PAC funds and the Gaming account

6.     School Planning Council Representatives

    to help coordinate, with school representatives, a plan for continuous student achievement by analyzing data and setting         appropriate goals

    to seek feedback from the PAC at regular PAC meetings

* In the event of unusual circumstances, executive members, in consultation with school administration, may spend up to $100 discretionary monies without prior approval from the PAC not to exceed $500 in any school year.

Volunteer Coordinators and Representatives

7.    RDPA Representative

    to attend the Richmond District Parents’ Association meetings, representing the R.J. Tait PAC

    to report RDPA news back to PAC 

    to seek input from the PAC as requested

    to ensure annual membership dues are paid

8.    Food Day Coordinator

    to coordinate special food events at the school such as hot dog days, pizza days, fit and fun day, and be responsible for         ordering supplies and counting money

    to contact Treasurer and notify him/her when there is money at the school which needs to be deposited

9.    Traffic Safety Coordinator    

    to coordinate volunteers and events regarding traffic and student safety, as needed

10.     Emergency Preparedness Coordinator    

    to help coordinate and plan strategies for students, staff, and parents to follow in the event of a serious emergency, such as     an earthquake, chemical spill, and/or airplane disaster

    to maintain comfort kits and other emergency supplies

    to coordinate First Aid training for staff, students, and parents

11.     Tait Community Coordinator 

    to promote the concept of multiculturalism and to assist new parents in their surroundings

    to act as liaison with the East Richmond Neighbourhood Association

    to act as communicator with parents from all cultures

    to welcome new families to the Tait community

12.     Fundraising Coordinator    

    in collaboration with the PAC executive, to set appropriate financial plans and goals

    to plan and coordinate fundraising projects as directed by the R.J. Tait PAC

13.     Gaming Representative

    to compile and submit appropriate information for the application for Casino fund raiser when needed

    to maintain a current accounting of Gaming Funds

14.     Outdoor Education Parent Representative

    to plan any fundraising activities as needed

    to liaise with parents regarding outdoor education

    to work with staff and administration to plan successful outdoor education experiences for students

15.    Playground/Park Representative    

    to work with school administration to liaise with the City and Parks Board toward the improvement/enhancement of Tait Park

16.    Caring Committee

    to send notes of support, sympathy, and/or celebration to members of the Tait community as needed

    to provide gifts throughout the year as needed

    to help coordinate PAC sponsored social events

                    * Other committees may be struck as required or desired.

** Whenever possible, each member of Tait PAC’s executive, coordinators, or representatives may serve a maximum of two consecutive years in the same position.  After this two year term expires, a member may let his/her name stand for the open position for a further term.  If two or more people wish to run for the position, an election by simple majority will follow.

Section Six:  PAC Meetings

1.    Tait PAC meetings will be held at least eight times per school year.

2.    The Tait PAC members in attendance at the September meeting shall decide on the dates of regular meetings for the following year. 

3.    Special committee meetings may be held during daytime hours as needed.

4.    An agenda for PAC meetings will be formed by the Chairperson or Vice-Chairperson together with the school administration prior to PAC meetings and members are invited to contact these people with topics they wish to have included on the agenda.  Agendas will include reports from the various committees as well as items of general interest.

5.    An Annual General Meeting shall be held once a year during the month of May for the purpose of electing executive members and naming other volunteer coordinators and representatives to the Tait PAC executive.

6.    If procedural problems should arise, “Robert’s Rules of Order” shall be used to resolve the situation, unless they are in conflict with the guidelines of this constitution.

Section Seven:  Quorum

1.     A quorum for a PAC meeting shall be five voting members.

2.     The chairperson or Vice-chairperson and one school administrator must be present at all PAC meetings.

Section Eight:  Nominations

1.     The Tait PAC executive, under the direction of the Past-Chairperson, shall attempt to obtain the names of interested people who are willing to enter as candidates for executive positions.  This may be done through the school newsletter or by personal contact.  The names will be presented at the Annual General Meeting.

2.    Nominations may be called for and may be made from the floor provided the consent of the nominee is obtained.

Section Nine:  Elections and Procedures

1.     Election of the PAC executive members shall take place at the Annual General Meeting and shall be by ballot, if necessary.

2.     Should any vacancies occur within the executive during the term, the Chairperson or vice-chairperson may appoint a member to fill the position for the remainder of the term.

Section Ten:  Fundraising and Disbursement of Funds

1.    All fundraising activities undertaken by the PAC will be planned and implemented in consultation and collaboration with the school administration and staff.

2.    The PAC, in consultation with the school administration and staff, will establish a priority “wish list” of proposed expenditures by October 31 to be used as a guideline for the current school year.

3.    All monies raised by the PAC during the current school year will be disbursed by August 31 with sufficient funds retained in the PAC account (approx. $2000) to facilitate activities in the beginning of the next school year.

4.    All disbursements of PAC-raised funds written as cheques shall require the signature of the PAC Chairperson or the Treasurer and one administrator.

5.    All disbursements of Gaming funds written as cheques shall require two signatures of the PAC executives who have signing authority with the financial institution.

Section Eleven:  Amendments

1.    The constitution and bylaws of the R.J. Tait Parent Advisory Council may be amended, after consultation with the Principal and by an affirmative vote of a majority of the members present at a regular meeting of the Council, provided that the proposed amendment(s) has been submitted in writing at the previous regular meeting.  Written notice of the meeting at which the vote will take place will be given in advance to all members.

2.     This constitution shall be reviewed at each June meeting.

Amended September 2005