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Math Mindset Student Survey - May 2024


In May 2024, students in grades 1 to 7 completed the Math Mindset Survey. Students were asked to rate themselves using the 4-point Proficiency Scale on the following statements or questions:

1. I like learning math at school

2. When I am stuck on a question I keep trying 

3. I understand / think it's ok to mistakes and learn from them

4. I feel confident to share my mathematical thinking with others


The results from the May 2024 student survey will be compared with the November 2023 student survey. We are interested to see any similarities or differences between the November 2023 survey and the May 2024 survey. Students will be grouped differently this year, they will not be grouped by division, rather they will be grouped in their grade level cohorts. We plan to look at this years data and compare it with the same cohort's data in the coming years.

Updated: Wednesday, July 3, 2024